Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Better late than never - resolutions in March

As usual, I am a bit late to the whole new year new me thing....but who says you can't start some resolutions in March. I have never really made any New Years resolutions, mainly because I have the willpower of a two year old. But this year, I wanted to make some positive changes, and what better time to start than at spring.

1) Waste less time and do more of what makes me happy
I spend endless hours wasting time in the digital world, be it TV or Internet. Whilst I enjoy these things and they can help me unwind and relax , I need to do so in moderation. My time could be much better spent focusing on other things that make me happy.

I want to play my piano more, go on walks, spend more time cooking yummy meals and trying out new things that I "haven't got time for". I am going to start by having one 'digital free' evening and seeing how much time I am wasting and how better my time could be spent. I'll probably blog about it so watch this space.

2) Make healthier lifestyle choices 

I am going to be realistic with myself from the start and accept the fact that I will not be a fitness fanatic marathon runner anytime soon. But what I am going to do is cut down on my sugar intake (which I have been successfully doing so far!), exercise more ( and by more I mean actually start....), and start thinking more about my eating habits and keeping active.

3) Improve my French

The one skill I wish I had was to speak French. The language is so beautiful to listen to and is something that I've always been drawn to. Whilst I can tell you what my favourite subject at school is and ask where the nearest toilets are, it's not really enough to hold a basic conversation (thank you GCSE french)!

My FiancĂ© and I are going to Paris in May so that's an incentive for me to improve my basic vocabulary.

4) Blog more 

Hopefully by sticking to my first resolution, I'll have more free time to do more of what I enjoy. I find it quite relaxing to sit down and write a blog post and it's really nice to look back and read old entries. It's sort of like a public journal and it would be nice to have more memories to look back on.

By writing my resolutions in a blog post, I am hoping that I will be kept more accountable and it will actually be a nice record of what I hope 2017 will hold. Here's to an exciting year ahead!

What were your new year resolutions or hopes for the rest of 2017?


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